What’s knot to like: How Paxman’s dispensation with ties might be fashionable

Jeremy Paxman’s rejection of the tie may just turn it into the height of fashion, says Janet Christie.

LAST week, Jeremy Paxman ­appeared tieless on Newsnight, still in a smart suit, but with his top two buttons undone. Apart from revealing an expanse of ageing turkey gizzard, the 62-year-old was also dispensing with a time-honoured tradition of the BBC that its male serious-news presenters wear ties.

The Twitterati wittering was immediate, with one post managing to drag in Savilegate, adding: “The BBC is in meltdown. It’s like the last days of Rome. Anything goes.” And another demanded that Ed Miliband call for an independent inquiry into why Paxman was not wearing a tie.

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