Annoying Mozart

Your article (16 March) about the “Soothing tones of Mozart” may apply to many folk. I derive great pleasure from most music. But the five-year subjection of my class by my school music teacher, a Mozart fanatic, to incessant playing of Mozart records has for me emphasised most of his annoying quirks.

Just one: he seems incapable of ending a tune in a major key other than by a trill on “Re” and a turn to the tonic. Yes, I know others like Haydn did it too, but not as persistently.

As a frequent listener to BBC Radio 3, I leap for the off control when I hear his music announced. It usually manages to irritate me within seconds.

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I know I’m in a tiny minority, but I have two friends who like me don’t worship at Mozart’s altar. His dad’s music is actually better in my ears.

As for poor old Salieri (who didn’t poison his rival), he joined the host of fine composers that the precocious and prolific Mozart managed to eclipse. It took even Beethoven a while to emerge from Wolfgang’s pernicious shadow.


Wilton Street
