Speedway: Edinburgh Monarchs slip to defeat against Newcastle Diamonds

Derek Sneddon was an absentee at Newcastle Diamonds last night having gone down with food poisoning, and his Edinburgh Monarchs teammates looked a bit off colour too as they slipped to a 53-39 Premier league speedway defeat at Brough Park last night.

But the Capital side were not exactly crying into their brown ale having clinched their championship play-off qualification spot 24 hours earlier thanks to a massive favour by Berwick Bandits. The Shielfield Park team defeated Ipswich Witches by a comfortable margin on Saturday which left Monarchs’ only serious challengers for the sixth and final position stranded on 35 points. But Monarchs had already bettered that total by winning their double header against Glasgow Tigers and Rye House Rockets at Armadale on Friday, and today co-promoter John Campbell said: “I’m absolutely delighted that we have reached the play-offs, and I always believed we would make it through.”

Not that Monarchs deemed their trip to Newcastle as meaningless, especially as they might have to go back there when the play-off mini groups are revealed this weekend.

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